Sunday, 16 February 2014

Service suspension

If you've been following my blog, you should recall I've been mentioning a house move for some time now. As you'll probably gather from the large pause since my last post, things haven't gone entirely to plan.

Well, if I'm being accurate they haven't gone to plan at all.

The upshot is that the house we were planning to buy fell through, but the house we were selling didn't. As a result this is now officially my third week without a house! And I have no idea how long this is going to continue. We have put in an offer on another property, but it's likely to be at least another month (and probably longer) before we're living somewhere other than a hotel and I can actually get some decent internet access, rather than a stolen half hour here and there from family and friends, or attempting to do anything with my rather old/slow smartphone in the local shopping centre.

As a result I've dropped by to give you this update, in the hopes I'll be able to start blogging again in April. If not, expect another update around then. I haven't forgotten about the blog post I promised you and that will be my first on resumption, but until we get settled with a new house, I'm not going to have enough access to internet available to finish off that post from the notes I'd started.

In the meantime I'm left waiting to see if my Cubworld CD ever arrives, seeing as it's well over 6 months since the album was released.

And if you're sending me anything, don't worry if the address is care of a solicitor - I haven't died (yet), it's just our current forwarding address for mail for anything the redirection isn't taking care of.

Wish me luck on getting a new house sorted. It's beginning to feel like I really need it.